Core team

The Core Team of SLG is the foundation of strategic decision making within the Group. Representatives from the subsidiaries have a forum to talk development and future within Safe Lane Gaming and its subsidiaries. Together they share over 40 years of experience in the gaming industry.

CEO Safe Lane Gaming

Arvid Klingström

Born 1981

Arvid has been working in various marketing and product leadership roles in the gaming industry for the last 15 years

Previous Experience
Head of Studio at King, Head of Player Services at Paradox

Diploma in International marketing at The Institute for International Education

Independent in relation to the company and the company management:

Independent in relation to the company’s major shareholders:

Total shares in Safe Lane Gaming:

38010 (9503 via Company Arvster AB, 28507 privately owned)

CEO Raketspel

Johan Henkow

Born in 1983

Johan has a background in digital sales/marketing, analytics and business development. He has worked at Klarna, H&M and Lifesum before joining Raketspel in 2018.

Previous experience
He has over 10+ years experience from the gaming industry

MSc Industrial Engineering and Management – Linköpings University

Independent in relation to the company and the company management:

Independent in relation to the company’s major shareholders:

Shares in Safe Lane Gaming:
161 708

Chairman of the board, CTO & Co-Founder Raketspel

Per Ekstig

Born 1968

Per has a very long experience of game development. His focus is on concept development, prototyping and both front-end and back-end programming. Per co-founded Raketspel in 2000 and has taken the role of CTO and member of the board.

Master of Science in Computer Science, Linköping University.

Independent in relation to the company and the company management:

Independent in relation to the company’s major shareholders:

Shares in Safe Lane Gaming:
2 171 434 through the company Ekstig Holding AB